Contribute a Guest Post on Unique Gifter (300k traffic & DA 33)
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Do you want to write a DIY or craft guest post?

Unique Gifter is accepting guest posts that are holiday and celebration related, including recipes, crafts and activities.

Unique Gifter is all about the celebrations in life. From a birthday party to a heartfelt thank-you to someone in your life, there are so many ways to show those around us that we care.

If you're like me, your love language may be gift giving. For others, it might be acts of service like hosting the perfect party or baking a beautiful cake. Perhaps you give the best hugs, or can plan the perfect hang out time.

No matter how you show your love, there is a holiday or an occasion to show up for your friends and loved ones in a way that they will appreciate. That's what Unique Gifter is here to help you do - inspire celebrations.

We accomplish this by sharing gift ideas, DIY gifts for people of all ages to make, holiday and celebration recipes, party decor and more. 

We've been growing and reach several million people per year. We've built our DR to 39 (ahrefs) and DA to 41.

Submitting guest posts and supporting other website owners has been key to growing. If you're on the lookout for opportunities to write a DIY guest post, holiday recipe guest post, or party guest post, we welcome more voices to add to the diversity of the site.

Publishing a recipe guest post is a fantastic way to grow your audience and build site authority at the same time.

Guidelines To Submit a Guest Post

We have a guideline document with nitty-gritty specifics, if you are approved to write a guest post.

In non nitty-gritty detail, this is what we're after: 

On-Topic | We write about holiday crafts, recipes, planning tips, party planning and gifts. Your craft blog guest post should be relevant to our site and DIRECTLY link to a holiday or gift-giving occasion.

Original Content | The post you submit needs to be fresh, original and not found anywhere else online! We don't accept low quality, spun content, that is generic and could be found anywhere. Write with character and voice, not "5 Boring Tips for X." We run all guest posts through a filter to test for duplicate and plagiarized content. 

Detailed & High Quality | Guest posts should be a minimum of 1500 words, preferably closer to 2000. If it is a craft or recipe, please submit at least 5 original images, including in-process images.  Structure your content using sub-headers, bullet points, numbered lists, etc. We use the Create plugin for recipes and lists. Make your writing easy to read and easy to follow.

SEO Friendly | We want Google to like your post, so that we both win in the long-term with more referral traffic headed your way. We'll do what we can to promote the post across our platform, so we ask that you optimize your content to target a specific keyword that is appropriate and reasonable to attempt to rank.

Examples of Post Types We Accept

  • "Ultimate Guide" Informational Post
  • Step by Step Craft for a Specific Holiday
  • Holiday or Celebration Recipe
  • DIY Gift Idea
  • Craft or DIY Kids Activity for a Holiday or Celebration
  • Party Decor Ideas
  • Cake Decoration Ideas
  • Hosting or Planning Tips for Holidays

Examples of Post Types We Do Not Accept

  • 6 Mother's Day Gift Ideas
  • Best Gifts for Dads
  • 8 Fun Easter Gift Ideas

These examples are too generic, and not sufficiently original content.

How to Submit a Guest Post to Our Craft/DIY Blog

You've read the guidelines. You're ready to provide a guest post. Please email me at

I work a full-time day job, run this site and a few others. I get an overwhelming amount of email, and your inbox is probably pretty full too. To minimize the back and forth, here's how to get a real shot and become a contributor to this craft site.

  1. Email me with "guest post (IRTG)" in the subject line. IRTG translates to "I Read The Guidelines." Miss this step and your email won't get opened, sorry.
  2. Propose your topics right up front. Please include at least 4 ideas.
  3. If I like your suggestions, I will approve one and send you a GDoc with the nitty gritty details on how to submit a guest post. That will include formatting, what you can include for links and how to get the post to me.

Please note that your submission is subject to editing by our editorial team. They polish submissions for formatting, grammar and the like, while working to maintain your original intent and ensuring you get the benefits of guest posting.

For Linkbuilders and SEO Specialists

Links are important. Really important. 

Ideally, you can get out there and instead of buying links, you can build links for free with link inserts, guest posts, shotgun skyscraper and the likes.

This particular page probably landed on your radar due to one of these keywords:

  • Recipe blog guest posts
  • Craft blog guest post opportunity
  • Food "submit a guest post"
  • "Write for Us" parenting blog
  • Homemaking blog guest post
  • Mom blog guest post
  • Parenting blogs that accept guest posts
  • Mommy blogs accepting guest posts
  • Food blog contributors
  • Etc.

Yes, of course. Those are keywords for SEO purposes.

do not sell links, but am always looking for mutually beneficial ways to collaborate, and brand collaborations. This site is one of several in similar niches. I am willing to work with SEO agencies, if it makes sense. Send me an email at with your straightforward and reasonable ideas.

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