20 Gift Ideas For Yoga Moms - Unique Gifter

20 Gift Ideas For Yoga Moms

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You’ve seen them, those tiny yoga moms who contort themselves into various crazy twisty positions while getting their zen on. Sometimes yoga moms can be a little intense but they are a lot of fun to hang around with.

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Gift Ideas For Yoga Moms

Mind Over Lather Lavender Mint Natural Yoga Mat Spray

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For anyone who has had the misfortune to smell a well-loved yoga mat, they will be overjoyed to have some lavender mint mat spray to balance out that nasty smell.

Grippy Toes

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Everyone has had it happen at least once where you’re in downward facing dog and then proceed to slip out of the pose. These grippy toes help to keep you on balanced and on your toes.

Chakras Bracelet

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Your favorite yoga mom will love wearing these beautiful bracelets after class.

Soft Yoga Strap

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Get a deeper stretch with the soft yoga strap.

Perfectly Imperfect

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When your favorite yoga mom doesn’t have time to take a class give them a gift of a book about all things yoga.

Yoga-The Beginner’s Bible

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This is a great resource for the person who is new to practicing yoga.

Peace Yoga Foam Blocks

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These blocks are great tools for the yogi who isn’t flexible like Gumby.

Namaste in Bed V-Neck T-Shirt

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Sometimes you have to declare your truth.

Yoga and Coffee Tank Top

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This tank top is a fashionable and fun item to wear during your next class.

Namaste Bitches Mug

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Sometimes you have to make fun of the vocabulary that yogis use.  

What We Think We Become Mug

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This mug sets a yoga mom’s intentions for the day.

Let That Shit Go Journal

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A lot of yoga practice is about letting stuff go. This journal is a wonderful place to release the thoughts that stress you out throughout the day.

Let That Shit Go Meditating Poster

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For the yoga mom who doesn’t have time to journal, she can be reminded to let things go whenever she looks upon this poster.

Bonsai Tree

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There is something meditative about caring for a bonsai tree. As long as the kids don’t kill it.

Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub

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There is nothing better than enjoying a wonderful scrub down after a great hot yoga class.

Hanging Terrarium

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Sometimes it’s nice to give a gift of beauty to your favorite yoga mom. This terrarium is low maintenance and easy for anyone to handle.

Corkcicle Water Bottle

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No workout would be complete without a great water bottle. Stay hydrated throughout class and be fashionable at the same time.

Lotus Flower Yoga Mat (with strap)

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Did you borrow your friend’s yoga mat and almost passed out from the smell? Gift your favorite yoga mom a new mat that doesn’t smell.

Vanilla Flavor Matcha Tea

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Give the gift of a great cup of tea  to be enjoyed after a great yoga class.

Shandali GoSweat Hot Yoga Towel

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There’s nothing worse than taking a great yoga class and dripping sweat all over your mat. This hot yoga towel will keep you from dripping all over your mat during class.

Your favorite yoga mom will love any of the items on this list and she won’t ever have to be know that you called her a skinny b$tch behind her back.

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