Easy Patriotic Rocket Craft: Perfect for Kids - Unique Gifter Skip to Instructions

Easy Patriotic Rocket Craft: Perfect for Kids

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This Patriotic Rocket craft will red, white, and blow you away with how fun and easy it is! It’s the perfect craft for kids to make ahead of 4th of July! With a few simple items that you may have around your house or a quick trip to the dollar store will get you, you can create this rocket that looks a lot like some classic fireworks that will be shot up during your festivities. Learn how to create this awesome craft by scrolling below!

Easy Patriotic Rocket Craft: Perfect for Kids | Firework Craft | 4th of July Crafts For Kids | Paper straw crafts | American Craft Ideas | Easy Rocket Craft For Kids #American #American #4thOfJuly #Crafts #KidCrafts #StrawCrafts

Festive Patriotic Rocket Craft

Creating your own décor for your 4th of July celebration is way more special than buying! Kids also love being included when it comes to planning events. Making a few of these rockets will make them feel proud! They can proudly hang them up around so everyone who stops by can admire their art work. You only need a few simple items such as paper straws, paper, glue, and yarn! Super easy and fun to create! Check out below how to create your very own Patriotic Rocket Craft.

Patriotic Rocket Craft
370 Printable Children's Activities

Creating Your Patriotic Rocket Craft

completed Patriotic Rocket Craft

Items Needed

blue and white paper straws, red and white paper straws, red yarn, red paper, and scissors shown.

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  1. Take your blue and red straws and cut them in half. If your child is younger ensure you assist them or keep an eye on them while they do this. We recommend 6 of each color.
Paper straws that have been cut in half.
  1. Once they are cut, line them up with blue on top and red on the bottom.
Red and blue straws all cut in half
  1. Glue the straws together, we recommend a low temperature glue gun, however you can use white glue as well. This will require more drying time but this is a safer option for kids.
Red and blue straws cut in half now glued together. Patriotic Rocket Craft
  1. Take your scissors and red poster paper and cut a tringle for your rocket topper. You can use a pencil to draw it to make it easier for your child to cut it out.
Red tringle piece cut ot of red paper.
  1. Glue your tringle to the top of your blue straws.
Red tringle glued on top of straws.
  1. Get your red yarn and scissors ready.
Red yarn with scissors beside it. Patriotic Rocket Craft
  1. Cut about 2 feet of red yard, you can measure to use you best judgement. This step you can use as much or little as you wish. Just ensure you have a nice amount. You will then re wind it up like it was prior to cutting it.
Cut yarn shown.
  1. After you re wind your cut yarn cut one end off. This will create a fire look for your rocket.
Patriotic Rocket Craft
  1. Take your yarn and glue it to the end of your red straws, creating a fire type look.
  1. Let your rocket dry and enjoy!
Yarn now glued onto straws. Patriotic Rocket Craft


Now you have very cool Patriotic Rocket Craft to show off! Feel free to make a bunch of these! Grab some blue construction paper or blue yarn and mix up the color pattern for some creative fun! Allow you kids to have some fun and create different patterns. If you are able to track down solid red and blue straws or star ones you can really mix it up. Check out our Patriotic Pretzel rods for a sweet treat to make while crafting! Have a wonderful 4th of July!

Completed Patriotic Rocket Craft.
Yield: 1

Patriotic Rocket Craft

Patriotic Rocket Craft

Get 4th of July ready with this super easy and fun Patriotic Rocket Craft!


    • Blue and White paper straws
    • Red and white paper straws
    • Scissors
    • Red Poster Paper
    • Red yarn
    • Glue stick and glue gun


    1. Take your blue and red straws and cut them in half.
    2. Once they are cut, line them up with blue on top and red on the bottom.
    3. Glue the straws together with your glue gun.
    4. Take your scissors and red poster paper and cut a tringle for your rocket topper.
    5. Glue your tringle to the top of your blue straws.
    6. Get your red yarn and scissors ready.
    7. Cut about 2 feet of red yard, winding it back up like it was before you cut it.
    8. After you wind your cut piece up, cut one end off.
    9. Take your yarn and glue it to the end of your red straws, creating a fire type look.
    10. Let your rocket dry and enjoy!

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    Easy Patriotic Rocket Craft: Perfect for Kids | Firework Craft | 4th of July Crafts For Kids | Paper straw crafts | American Craft Ideas | Easy Rocket Craft For Kids #American #American #4thOfJuly #Crafts #KidCrafts #StrawCrafts
    Patriotic Rocket Craft
    370 Printable Children's Activities
    completed Patriotic Rocket Craft
    blue and white paper straws, red and white paper straws, red yarn, red paper, and scissors shown.
    Paper straws that have been cut in half.
    Red and blue straws all cut in half
    Red and blue straws cut in half now glued together. Patriotic Rocket Craft
    Red tringle piece cut ot of red paper.
    Red tringle glued on top of straws.
    Red yarn with scissors beside it. Patriotic Rocket Craft
    Cut yarn shown.
    Patriotic Rocket Craft
    Yarn now glued onto straws. Patriotic Rocket Craft
    Completed Patriotic Rocket Craft.
    Patriotic Rocket Craft
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