Best Gifts for Kevin Smith Fans | Unique Gifter

Best Gifts for Kevin Smith Fans

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Kevin Smith is one of the biggest names when it comes to directors. His first film “Clerks” managed to become a cult classic while having a meager budget of under $20,000 and his popularity has soared ever since. 

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40 Gifts For Kevin Smith Fans

When you’ve got a director with so many hits under their belt like Kevin Smith, there’s a plethora of merchandise to choose from when it comes to finding a gift for a fan of the films.

The Dogma Of Perfect Gift Giving

So, you’ve got a Kevin Smith fan in your midsts, and you’re clueless as to what to get them? No worries, I’ve got you all sorted out! I’ve wandered all over to find some of the most perfect gifts that you’ll come across when it comes to the works of Kevin Smith, so you can relax and trust that you’re going to find an awesome present in these 40 gifts for Kevin Smith fans!

Black and White Dante Action Figure

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Maybe he’s not supposed to be here today, but he is supposed to be on your fan’s shelf. Any collector is going to rejoice upon receiving this gem!

Tough Sh*t: Life Advice From A Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good (Paperback)

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Take it from someone who took a wild gamble and maxed out their credit cards to make their first film: Life is hard. Kevin Smith gives life advice in his popular book.

Kevin Smith Triple Feature (DVD)

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Clerks? Chasing Amy? Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Speaking personally as a fan of Kevin Smith, this is a magnificent present!

Buddy Christ Dashboard Statue

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The Catholic church just wants to remind you that Jesus is your friend, and with such a friendly dashboard icon, who could forget?

Monopoly: Jay and Silent Bob Edition

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Monopoly is a crazy enough game, but if you toss in Snoogans cards and properties like Quick Stop? You’ve got Monopoly fit for a Kevin Smith fan!

Bluntman Baseball Cap

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This iconic hat is sure to be recognizable by anyone who has seen the films and is sure to be beloved by anyone who is a fan of the films!

Jay Bobblehead

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What’s crazier than Jay? A Jay bobblehead! At least this version of Jay can’t talk your head off, though, right?

Tusk Movie Poster

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Fans who have stuck with Kevin Smith throughout his later works are sure to enjoy this one. Tusk is a fantastic film, and there are few collectors that wouldn’t love this hanging on their wall.

Jay And Silent Bob Minimates

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If you’ve got a fan that’s into zombies as well as Kevin Smith films, there are these cool Minimates. It even includes the heads of 4 familiar victims!

Silent Bob Action Figure

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What Smith fan’s collection would be complete without Silent Bob himself? Highly detailed with multiple, interchangeable parts, this is a figure that shouldn’t be passed on.

Berzerker T-Shirt

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If you enjoy Clerks and have watched it multiple times as most fans have, you definitely know what this t-shirt is referencing and just how awesome it really is.

Signed Dogma Script

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A copy of the Dogma script? Fantastic gift! An autographed copy of the Dogma script? Absolute perfection.

Snootchie Bootchies Flask

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Sometimes, the fan in your life may want to drink on the go. You’d better make damned sure that their flask has a nifty saying on it.

Buddy Christ Decal

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If dashboard statues aren’t your fan’s style, there’s also this cool decal. Personally, I’d love to have Buddy Christ greeting drivers behind me with his friendly demeanor!

Mallrats VHS Notebook

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I don’t really use a notebook too much, but if I did? I would totally snag this thing up in a heartbeat. Created from an actual VHS, it’s sure to put a smile on any fan’s face.

“Directed By” VHS Print

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This unique work of art is a stylish and subtle way of showing homage to the wonderful works of Kevin Smith. Any fan is going to be proud to have this hanging on their wall.

Quick Stop 3D Pop Art

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The iconic Quick Stop sign! Instantly recognizable by any Kevin Smith fan, this unique piece of heart is sure to have a loving home in any fan’s collection.

Mooby’s Mug

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Who’s a friend to the king of all the monkeys? It’s Mooby Cow!

Bluntman and Chronic NES T-Shirt

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Gaming and Bluntman and Chronic? Sign me and every other Smith fan in the world up for this awesome retro tee.

Mooby Button Pin

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More Mooby merchandise! When your loved one wants to sport the golden calf but doesn’t want to overdo it? This subtle pin gets the job done.

Jay and Silent Bob Taxidermy Mice

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This gift is unique and a bit on the….odd side, but it’s definitely one that won’t be forgotten. Featuring the dynamic duo as mice, they are even holding their trademark smokes!

Huck It, Chuck It T-Shirt

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The drunk in Zack and Miri is one of the funniest moments in the entire film. Perhaps the funniest. This t-shirt truly captures the essence of that situation.

If You Plan To Shoplift Cross Stitch

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Every fan is sure to recognize this iconic sign. It makes a triumphant return in cross stitch fashion for your fan’s collection!

Brodie Bruce Mock Album Cover

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Undoubtedly one of the more hilarious characters in Kevin Smith’s films, this unique gift is a mock-up of what a Brodie Bruce album would look like!

Oh, What A Lovely Tea Party Coffee Mug

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The line that has been oft-repeated by many a Smith fan. These words elicit uncomfortable feelings and a ridiculous amount of hilarity.

Kevin Smith Action Figure

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Maybe the fan in your life is a weirdo who wants a lifesized Kevin Smith hanging out around their home? Oh, yeah. I’ve got them covered as well.

Framed Autographed Clerks Poster

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A framed and autographed Clerks poster? You can nearly hear future cries of joy from the fan in your life when it comes to this one.

Clerks: The Comic Books (Paperback)

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Clerks branched out to other avenues of entertainment, including comics! Any Smith fan worth their salt would absolutely love to have one of these in their possession.

That Kid Is Back On The Escalator T-Shirt

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The line that had many fans in stitches when it came to Mallrats and easily one of the most quoted, presented here with that classic Back To The Future style.

Jay and Silent Bob Prayer Candles

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Sometimes you’ve got to light a candle and pray. Sometimes you’ve got to light a candle and pray stylishly and hilariously!

Crocheted Mr. Tusk

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Tusk is, without a doubt, terrifying yet hilarious. This crocheted plush of Mr. Tusk? Adorably terrifying!

Black and White Silent Bob Figure

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Sure, you can go with a Silent Bob figure that’s done in full color, but why not stick to the classic Clerks black and white style?

I’m Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today Decal

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For those moments when the fan in your life gets called into work, the decal on their car will do all the talking for them.

Clerks 2 Movie Poster

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If it’s one thing that Jay and Silent Bob are good at, it’s standing around. Clerks 2 knew this when it was released and proudly proclaim it on their release posters!

Bluntman and Chronic Sticker

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Considering Bluntman and Chronic are comic-book alter egos, it is a true injustice that there isn’t more cool merchandise like this!

Jay and Silent Bob Silhouette Shot Glasses

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What better way of getting buzzed than with these two chuckleheads? These shot glasses are perfect for that fan that loves a drink or two!

Jay and Silent Bob Earrings

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These earrings definitely have a retro, late ‘90s Goosebumps feel. If you’ve got a fan in your life that can pull them off, they’re a bold and very cool fashion accessory.

That’s all, folks! I’m sure that you had to have come across quite a few things that you’ll want to snag for the fan in your life for the next holiday. Did you manage to find something that they absolutely adored? Maybe you stumbled across something that you couldn’t live without yourself? Feel free to let us know on Twitter (@ugifter) or Instagram (@uniquegifter), and thanks for checking out 40 Gifts For Kevin Smith Fans!

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