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Nerds. Geeks. They can be impossible to shop for and we completely understand that. Especially when it comes to something they’ll be hanging on their wall for everyone to see. No one wants to be judged for having bad art being around!

If you’re talking prints and posters for nerds, you’d have a hard time finding one that doesn’t fall for this Gameboy-themed framed print! Follow the image above to see Xreart’s eclectic selection.
A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
They say that a picture paints a thousand words and if that’s the case, what is your gift going to say about the geek or nerd in your life? We’re going to help you make sure that whatever it does say won’t be terrible! We’re here to make shopping for that perfect poster or print a breeze with our 40 Prints and Posters For Nerds and Geeks!
Pikachu Retro Art Poster
Everyone knows and loves Pokemon’s poster child, Pikachu! This retro style poster is awesome and catches the little lightning mouse’s attitude perfectly!
Winchester Brothers Family Business Poster
Supernatural is a massively popular show so there’s no shortage of nerds that know exactly who the Winchester brothers are. This poster is done in a retro comic book style and advertises exactly who they are and what they are here to do!
Anatomy Of A Chocobo Print
Every Final Fantasy fan loves Chocobos! How could they not? They’re crazy adorable! This cool print shows the anatomy of every fan’s favorite bird mount in wonderfully illustrated detail!
So Long Print
So long and thanks for all the fish! One of the most memorable and quoted lines from the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy can be hanging on your favorite Geek’s wall thanks to you! Don’t say “so long” to the perfect gift!
Nikola Tesla Riding A Pigeon Print
Not just a pigeon but a robot pigeon! Not a lot of people know this but Nikola Tesla liked pigeons. A lot. This print is a fitting and comedic tribute to the late scientist sure to be beloved by any nerd!
Robot Emotions Print
This wonderful print is here to show off just how truly expressive robots can be. It showcases the wide range of emotions that they have! Protip: They don’t have emotions.
Dungeon Master Print
This simple yet expressive print is minimalistic but makes its point very clear in a truly geeky fashion: My house, my rules. It’s sure to please the gift recipient and make things very clear as soon as guests walk through the door!
Anatomy Of A Tauntaun Print
Well, we’ve pleased the Final Fantasy fans with the Chocobo, but never fear, we’ve also got something for the Star Wars nerd in your life! This print is similar to the Chocobo print and shows a detailed description of the anatomy of the popular Tauntaun from the series.
Gamer Definition Print
Gamers are a proud bunch and love to broadcast that they enjoy games as their hobby. Help the gamer in your life do this by giving them this awesome print! With a cute and funny definition for gamers, it’s certain to bring a smile to their face as soon as they unwrap it.
Nintendo Switch Print
Nintendo is one of the most popular and widely known brands of all time and they have no shortage of fans. Geeks everywhere adore their consoles and the Switch is no exception. This is going to look great on any gamer’s wall and you’ll be a hero for giving it to them!
When The Dungeon Master Smiles Print
Boasting a line that is all too true, this print really nails it. Proclaiming “When the dungeon master smiles, it’s already too late”, every Dungeons and Dragons player will know they’re in some serious trouble.
Albert Einstein Joker Print
Sometimes you just need a goofy poster on the wall and this print is more than happy to oblige. Sporting the esteemed scientist as The Joker, this might possibly be the most ambitious crossover that’s ever been created! Perfect for the nerd with a sense of humor.
ASCII Shrug Print
There are many times in life when a shrug is the only viable response. Maybe you know a nerd that shrugs a lot. Maybe they’re a bit sarcastic and you know they’d enjoy this hanging on their wall. Either way, it’s the perfect gift for someone that’s tech savvy and speaks the language!
Gotham City Sirens
These 3 prints feature the lovely villainesses of Gotham City. Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy are portrayed in shadowy art with the option to have them on a cool dictionary page type print! Absolutely perfect for that comic book nerd!
Back To The Future Poster
Great Scott! This poster showcases the famous line from the Back To The Future movies: “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”. Whether the nerdy gift recipient is just a big fan of those movies or a movie buff in general, they’ll go nuts over this one!
Lego Heads Print
So many heads, so little time! This mustached Lego man may have finally decided on one after cycling through so many recognizable pop culture heads before the one he decided on. Nerds everywhere will go crazy for this!
Venom Print
Comic nerds always seem to get the coolest stuff don’t they? This one is a real gem. Venom is an iconic part of the Marvel Universe and this alternate art piece shows Eddie Brock opening his mouth wide as Venom. Very cool!
Rainbow Brite And Starlight Poster
Riding straight out of the 80’s on her faithful rainbow steed, Rainbow Brite arrives in this wonderful piece of art with style! An alternative illustration of the popular retro figure, this one is cute and awesome looking!
Mario Mushroom Word Art
Word art always looks so fantastic and this mushroom from Super Mario makes it even cooler. Gamers everywhere recognize this iconic symbol from the series and it would be oh-so-awesome on any game lover’s wall!
Deadpool As Bob Ross Print
We all know that the trailer for Deadpool 2 was hilarious. Deadpool dressed up as Bob Ross? Outstanding! Now you can give the gift of that wonderful time when the merc with a mouth dressed up as everyone’s wholesome artist!
Meerkat On A Skateboard Print
Know what nerds and geeks love besides pop culture references? Random quirky things. This Meerkat on a skateboard knows how random and rad he is and we’re sure that the nerd getting this gift will feel the same way.
Vader Obama Print
Everyone recognizes the Obama campaign poster but maybe some people would like it to be a bit….darker? Enter the master of the dark side. Mr. Darth Vader himself! Vader is sporting the Obama approach with this awesome nerdy print and we couldn’t be happier with it.
Ps4 Personalized Word Art Poster
This one is pretty nifty! Choosing 30 words, you can personalize this poster for a loved one in the shape of a Ps4 controller. Choose your words wisely!
Zombie Evolution
Most nerds are zombie fans. It’s not really a big surprise, it just goes hand in hand with the culture. This humorous print shows the progression of evolution as it goes from ape to half zombie in a wonderfully illustrated way!
Nerd Print
Occasionally, you have to just put it bluntly and this print does it well. Simply stating “Nerd”, it’s sure to help your loved one spell out who they are quickly and easily!
Sherlock Holmes Text Art Print
Benlington Conlatch? Beldingwin Cumberbund? The guy that plays Sherlock Holmes. We’re sure the nerd in your life will know his name and we’re also pretty certain they’re going to love this wonderful work of art!
Look Of Disapproval ASCII Emoji Print
Anyone who browses forums, chat rooms or even just texts is bound to have run across this fella before. Looking as dapper as ever, seeing as he is sporting a hat in this print, he’s the perfect addition to a nerd’s living quarters!
Whirlpool Galaxy Poster
Space nerds need love too, right? We’ve got them covered as well with this beautiful poster! Displaying a lovely whirlpool taken from the Hubble Telescope, they’ll be really starstruck when they lay eyes on this one!
Periodic Table Bacon Print
So nerdy that it hurts but who doesn’t love delicious bacon?! The person that receives this gift can proudly display two things about themselves. They’re nerdy and they love bacon! What a delicious statement!
War Of The Worlds Print
A gift for all of those book lovers out there, this print has cover art for H.G. Wells’ War Of the Worlds. It’s got a great retro look and would look phenomenal on anyone’s wall, especially your favorite bookworm!
Central Perk Print
There are all kinds of different geeks and nerds, including pop culture geeks! Any pop culture fan worth their salt knows about Central Perk from Friends and they’ll be absolutely thrilled when you present this one to them.
Personalized Periodic Table Print
Our last entry on the list gives the gift of personal touch. You’re able to personalize this with the recipient’s name so they can really broadcast their nerdy personality. Truly a thoughtful and personal gift!
Well, we hope that we’ve helped you on your search to decorate the walls in your nerd or geek’s home. We’re sure in the piles of prints and posters, there’s a gem there that you knew would be perfect for that loved one you’re shopping for! Did you find something worthy of your nerd? We love hearing from our readers, so give us a shout out on Twitter (@ugifter) or Instagram (@uniquegifter) and tell us what you got!