20 Gift Ideas for a Personal Trainer - Unique Gifter

20 Gift Ideas for a Personal Trainer

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If you have a good one, you know that your Personal Trainer is your biggest cheerleader. Sure, they push you hard, often harder than you’d like, but they do it for your own good. As a Trainer myself, I sometimes ask my clients to do things they’d rather not do. But I know that later on they’ll thank me for making them sweat. I also appreciate gift ideas for a personal trainer when I receive them.

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How to choose gift ideas for a personal trainer:

So what can you buy the person who has watched you sweat, hear your swear, and maybe even cry? The person who has taught you how to move your body in a way that makes you grateful for the hours you’ve spent in the gym because you can now do things and wear things you couldn’t six months ago?

Here’s a list of thoughtful gifts for your personal trainer that say “I care that you’re kind of a crazy health nut but I like you anyway.”

Water Bottle

Water bottle gift ideas for a personal trainer

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Even if we look like we have ten dozen different water bottles, it’s probably time to chuck a few of them. Do your trainer a favour and chuck their old, germ-infested water bottle and replace it with this.

Travel Mug

Your personal trainer will love a travel mug gift idea

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I love Etsy because even if you can’t find the perfect saying for the mug you want, you can customize almost anything. I personally love this message and your trainer will love taunting you with it when you’re complaining during your workout.

This Hoodie

Give your personal trainer this hoodie - gift ideas for a personal trainer

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The sweater says it all. If one of my clients gave this to me, they would be my favourite for life, period, end of story.

A Necklace that Talks

Cool necklace gift idea for your personal trainer

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A piece of jewellery with a inspirational message is the perfect daily reminder to stay positive. I personally like the “stronger or better every day” motto. If your trainer loves kettlebells, you can find kettlebell charms. If they’re a barbell fan, find a barbell. You can find the perfect charm for your trainer’s favourite torture exercise modality.

Say, “Merry Christmas!”

Christmas gift ideas for a personal trainer

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We love holidays too! That’s right, even personal trainers get out of the gym and celebrate Christmas. But maybe it’s your job to help them not forget their healthy lifestyle why they party it up.

Protein Bars

gift ideas for a personal trainer include protein bars

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If your trainer lives off of protein bars and coffee, give them something new to chew on. It would be nice if you could avoid giving them anything they’re allergic to (whey protein or peanuts?) so please ask to avoid disappointment for both the receiver and the giver.

Protein Bar Recipe Book

Unique book gift for your personal trainer

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On the other hand, maybe they prefer to make their own. This recipe book has some delicious looking bars that are sure to tempt your trainer to spend even more time in the kitchen religiously prepping their snacks and meals.

Books on Leadership

your personal trainer will appreciate this thoughtful book gift idea

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From the well-known expert in leadership comes this classic book. This book isn’t just for leaders. It’s for anyone who wants to improve their “people skills.” Maybe your trainer needs this book, maybe they don’t. You can pick and choose the message you want to send your trainer with the right book. But be nice!

Zen Out

Zen gift ideas for a personal trainer

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Most Trainers I know could stand to spend a little more time relaxing. Why not offer them the chance to try it out with this highly rated DVD?

Anti-bac Socks

Anti bacterial socks for your personal trainer - great gift idea!

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You might not realize this, but trainers are often concerned with how or if they smell. If your trainer has a certain funky odour, you don’t want to rub it. There is a time and place for calling attention to our smells, but let me assure that only really expensive workout clothes can effectively eliminate odours. Help a trainer out by investing in these.

Silicone Rings

Silicone rings to keep a personal trainer safe while working out

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Whether or not your trainer sports a wedding band, this small silicone circle is the only smart alternative to wearing rings in the gym. Not only will you save your silver and gold, but you can also do it in style with your choice of colours.

Fitbit Ankle Modifier

Fitbit fitness gift idea for a personal trainer

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Fitbit fanatics will appreciate the convenience this little ankle cover provides. It’s not always comfortable wearing something around your wrist and if your Fitbit strap is on the short side, there’s a solution for that.

Self Massage Tool

Massage gift ideas for a personal trainer

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Do you think you’re the only one who gets sore from your workouts? Even your personal trainers get tight and sore as they continue to challenge their body and stay one step ahead of you. If you don’t have time to book an hour long massage, here’s the next best thing.

Training Journal

Training journal for your personal trainer - best gift idea!

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Like I just mentioned, personal trainers workout to keep themselves in shape. Whether you would guess it or not, we can get kinda obsessed with our workouts. Why not encourage this healthy obsession with a brand new training journal?

Bento Box

Practical gift ideas for a personal trainer - bento box

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Most trainers are infamous for eating meals on the go. But hopefully not during your training session! That would be cruel! This box is cleverly designed to keep food fresh all day long.

Portable Charger

Portable charger gift ideas for a personal trainer

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Trainers can’t always be running over to charge their phones at the wall and even the best power banks eventually give out. Why not give them the gift that keeps on giving? Get one that might fit into gift idea #17.

Runner’s Belt

Even if your trainer isn’t a hardcore runner, they’ll appreciate the convenience and functionality of this runner’s belt. Tuck your phone, keys, and other small items near you for safety. Like a portable charger or extra pair of socks.

Runner's belt for your personal trainer - great gift idea!

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Veggie Spiralizer

If your trainer is one of many health-conscious people who watch their carb intake, veggie pasta is one way to keep carbs low. This one even has a lifetime warranty!

Your personal trainer will love this gift - veggie spiralizer

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Coffee is the best gift idea for a personal trainer

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Does your trainer survive on coffee? No doubt they have their favourite brands but why not encourage them to broaden their coffee horizons? This Kicking Horse brand gets high review on Amazon.

Not Just Any Towel!

Nice towel gift ideas for a personal trainer

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This super absorbent, travel-sized towel not only gets you dry after a shower – at the gym? – but it also has the truly amazing benefit of being antibacterial. What does that mean? Even if it gets rolled up for the day, it won’t start smelling!

I gave you quite a few practical gifts for your favourite slave driver. Of course, if you forget and need a last minute idea, a gift card for an Amazon Audible book works well too. It’s one of my favourite ways to “read” on the go!

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Fitness Gift Ideas | Gift Ideas for a personal Trainer | Thank you gifts for my trainer | What to buy my gym friends | Christmas presents for the gym buddies in my life | Fitness Coach Gifts | Beachbody Coach Ideas
Water bottle gift ideas for a personal trainer
Your personal trainer will love a travel mug gift idea
Give your personal trainer this hoodie - gift ideas for a personal trainer
Cool necklace gift idea for your personal trainer
Christmas gift ideas for a personal trainer
gift ideas for a personal trainer include protein bars
Unique book gift for your personal trainer
your personal trainer will appreciate this thoughtful book gift idea
Zen gift ideas for a personal trainer
Anti bacterial socks for your personal trainer - great gift idea!
Silicone rings to keep a personal trainer safe while working out
Fitbit fitness gift idea for a personal trainer
Massage gift ideas for a personal trainer
Training journal for your personal trainer - best gift idea!
Practical gift ideas for a personal trainer - bento box
Portable charger gift ideas for a personal trainer
Runner's belt for your personal trainer - great gift idea!
Your personal trainer will love this gift - veggie spiralizer
Coffee is the best gift idea for a personal trainer
Nice towel gift ideas for a personal trainer
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