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The one thing I miss about working in a big office is all the holiday cheer. My best offices have had a self-appointed Decorator Extraordinaire who embraces the ample decorating opportunities of all annual holidays, religious and secular alike. Some of our decorators love specific holidays, some love every single chance to do up their home and offices. The latter are a lot of fun to have at work – you get to share in the festive joy, whatever the season. We love contributing to their stash to keep it fresh. If we do a really good job, our gift will make an appearance every year.

Festive Gifts for a Holiday Decorator
We’ve put together 20 Gifts for a Holiday Decorator that will make them oh so happy! Something for every holiday and some decorator must haves below! Check them out!
Tissue Pom Pom New Years Set
Buy on AmazonWe ring in the New Year with glitter and champagne, though the bubbly doesn’t get popped after hours. String up these tissue creations for a classy muted office.
Chinese New Year Décor
Buy on AmazonIf they even decorate for Chinese New year this set is perfect to use!
Valentine’s Day Decor
Buy on AmazonTHey would love to get this amazing Valentine’ Day Decor set to use in the office or home.
St. Patrick’s Day Decor Set
Buy on AmazonSt. Patrick’s Day is a fun day to celebrate! This set has everything they need to bring some luck!
Mother’s Day Decorations
Buy on AmazonThis lovely ballloon set would make the perfect gift for those that love to decorate.

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Father’s Day Décor Set
Buy on AmazonThis mustache inspired Father’s Day set would be perfect to set up every year.
4th of July Decorations
Buy on AmazonThis set will red, white, and BLUE them away. Get it…blue..blow..you know.
Give Thanks Décor
Buy on AmazonPerfect for Thanksgiving this set will make them feel extra thankful.
Hanukkah Swirl Decorations
Buy on AmazonIf they are decorating the office and someone is Jewish they will appreciate this set to help celebrate.
Now that we’ve covered the main holidays, let’s talk decorators must haves! We’ve added some awesome gifts that anyone who loves to decorate needs to own!
Electric Balloon Pump
Buy on AmazonAnyone who loves to decorate a lot will need this hand electric balloon pump!
Clear Sticky Tack
Buy on AmazonThese little guys are super handy! They can help put up any décor without the risk of peeling paint.
Buy on AmazonRibbon is always needed when it comes to decorating! This set comes with every color they would possily need.
Storage Bins
Buy on AmazonIf they have tons of décor they will need these handy pins to store it all.
Tape Dispenser With Clamp
Buy on AmazonLoosing tape is so common and very annoying when decorating. This hand device has a clamp you can attach to your clothing or wherever you are decorating.
Buy on AmazonWhat person who loves to decorate doesn’t need a good pair of scissors with a handy holder.
Self-leveling Laser Level
Buy on AmazonIf they need things to look perfect this laser level will help them put décor up perfectly straight.
Step Ladder
Buy on AmazonThey would love to get one of these bad boys to help them hang stuff up high!