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When someone is over the hill, usually that means they’re turning 40, since that’s usually the midpoint in life. It’s also a tradition to make a joke out of this milestone birthday, probably since it makes reaching mid life little bit easier. Either way, here’s the best over the hill gag gifts to give to your friends and family.

Over the Hill Gag Gifts
Look, 40 really isn’t that old, especially nowadays. But that’s what makes these hilarious over the hill gag gifts, many of which treat the recipient like they’re geriatric, even funnier!
Over The Hill Pharmacy Kit
Everything someone who’s over the hill needs in their medicine cabinet! The fake items include: “W-D Oldie” for getting out creaks, anti-aging soap, “Gray B Gone” hair dye, and “Tyrd-n-old” pain relief.
Hearing Enhancer
“What? WHAT?” Oh, they need this handy hearing enhancer. Works for all the old people in your life who need a little help hearing (or listening).
Over The Hill Breast Suspenders
For the over the hill, ladies (or voluptuous men) who need a little “pick me up” when it comes to their bust. They look painful, but beauty is pain, after all.
Naughty Knickers
When you reach 40, you might need a little bit of extra help looking your best. This sensual underwear is a perfect gag gift for your over the hill friend, and it’s definitely not an adult diaper.
Printable Set
If you want to take a DIY approach to your over the hill gag gifts, this is perfect for you. You can apply these mock labels to your favorite products to give as a gift. It even includes a handy senior x-ing sign!
Inflatable Barricade
A great gag gift idea or over the hill party decoration! This inflatable barricade and cone set helps to warn others of the danger you’re over the hill loved one presents.
Over The Hill Gift Set For Women
When women reach a certain age, they might need a bit of help feeling beautiful. This set comes with the tiara she deserves, a fan for the hot flashes, and a handy giant wrinkle removing eraser.
Funny 40th Birthday T-Shirt For Her
Great for your mom, aunt, or friend who’s now “over the hill.” Is she 40? She might be!
40th Birthday Toilet Paper
Really, it’s an allegory for the past 40 years that they probably have flushed down the drain.
Geezer Glasses
These funny glasses look like the kind old people wear in the cartoons! Great for someone who’s over the hill and “needs a little help” seeing better.
Shart Survival Kit
Once you reach a certain age, you can’t trust your body. Give someone this diaper gag gift on their 40th birthday so they’ll always be prepared in case of an unwelcome accident.
Hot Flashes Sign
As women go through menopause, they’re going to experience a few changes. This funny sign is a perfect gag gift idea for a woman’s over the hill party, just as long as she has a good sense of humor about it.
Oversized Playing Cards
Now that they’re over the hill, they clearly cannot see like when they were 39. Help a buddy out by gifting them comically oversized playing cards for their over the hill birthday.
At My Age T-Shirt
It’s important to take advice from our elders. This t-shirt offers an important reminder that once you’re over the hill, you’ve seen it all, done it all, and heard it all… Even if you can’t remember it all.
Big Blue Pill
Well, this joke gift could mean two things. One is that it’s a comically large pill, which is how your pills start getting as you age. The other is that it’s a blue pill, also known as Viagra. Either way, it’s funny.
My Saggy Balls Underwear
When he puts on these snazzy underpants, laughter definitely won’t be far off. Inside are a pair of silicone “balls” that are sagging quite a bit lower than they should at 40…
Geriatric Love Gloves
A wonderful gift for the over the hill birthday person’s spouse! They give a whole new meaning to the word “love glove,” and really to the word love in general. Thanks for the help, honey!
Over The Hill Survival Kit
Everything someone needs as they age! This over the hill survival kit would be a perfect gift to give to someone who lives far away, so they know you’re thinking of them on this milestone birthday.
Senior Citizen Texting Code
Everything changes as you get older, including the slang, apparently! For example, “BTW” no longer means “By The Way,” but instead “Bring the Wheelchair.” Isn’t that cool?
Old Age Survival Chain
This handy over the hill chain gag gift has everything someone needs as they age on it! A perfect necklace for someone to wear to their over the hill party.
Chocolate “Viagro”
Hmm, it looks and sounds a lot like viagra, but it’s just chocolate. A funny way to remind someone they’re getting old and might need a little “help” soon.
Caution Barricade
This mini barricade is perfect over the hill gag gift idea that you can leave on someone’s desk at work.
Old Git Award
At least there’s a prize for getting older! This old git award would make a great gag gift for someone who’s recently gone “over the hill” and become an old git.
Emergency Lanyard
Once you’re over the hill, there’s a very real chance your memory might start going. This nifty lanyard gag gift will keep your friend or loved one safe if they get lost. You know, like a puppy.
Old Lady Novelty Cane
For the over the hill old lady in your life. This novelty cane has everything she needs now that she’s over 40: a warning sign, eyeglasses, a giant pill, a fan for the hot flashes, and a horn to get everyone’s attention. Perfect!
Crotch Washer
Struggling to reach down there? Gained a bit of weight as you got older? No problem, this gag gift will have it covered. It helps to wash those hard to reach places.
Vitamin C-nitlity
These look like medicine but are actually filled with candy, don’t worry. The gag packaging is a mock on “senility” and can help your aging friend with senior moments, memory lapses, and forgetting why they came in there in the first place.
Woman’s Survival Kit
Over the hill, women have to take care of themselves! This survival kit comes complete with all the essentials: a magic pill, a warning sign for the car, spare underwear for accidents, wrinkle cream, an emergency button, and, most importantly, old man repellent.
Antibacterial Wipes
Please don’t actually use this on your funky junk, and they’re antibacterial wipes. But it is a funny gag gift!
Hot Flash Fan
You never know when she’s going to face a hot flash! Help an over the hill woman be prepared for the inevitable with this handy hot flash fan.
Crotchety Old Man Book
OK, so this is assuming he’s not already a crotchety old man. This book will help remind them of ways they can NOT unleash their inner grumpy old man so they can continue to live a happy life as they age.
Inflatable Walker
It’s all downhill from here, so get them prepared with this novelty inflatable walker gag gift. It’s a perfect way to remind them that one day you might need it.
Same Age As Old People Shirt
This funny t-shirt is a perfect gag gift idea for someone celebrating their over the hill birthday. It really is super weird when you start getting to be the same age as old people. What’s up with that?
Over the Hill Inflatable Cane
A funny gag gift idea to make someone feel old, but also inflatable so it won’t hurt when they hit you with it.
Get Off My Lawn Sign
Hang it on the front door and let everyone in the neighbourhood get the message. A funny gag gift for an over the hill birthday.
Senior Driver Magnet
This funny gag gift is also a great idea for a practical joke. Stick it onto their vehicle, so everyone on the roads can watch out!
Safety Vest
Better safe than sorry! This safety vest has all the warnings you’re over the hill friend needs to give others so everyone can stay safe.
Soap For Old People
This soap is a great way for your over the hill birthday gift recipient to start giving off that signature old person scent. It smells like instant coffee and cough drops, two things that your 40+ pal probably loves now. Actually, it would be really funny to throw both those items in with this soap to make a gift basket.
Birthday Card for Her
Sometimes you can’t say with a gift what you can with a card. Have this sent to someone far away or a tuck a gift card to her favorite liquor store inside.
Exercise Block
All your over the hill loved one has to do is follow the instructions on this handy exercise block, and they will walk around the block twice. This is also less offensive than most of these gifts, so it would be a good choice for a coworker.
Rectal Thermometer
Oh boy, taking your temperature with this one isn’t for the faint of heart, that’s for sure! It aptly says, “just the threat of having your temperature taken will cure your ailment!”
Old Hag Skin Saver
As you age, you have to step up your skincare routine. This is especially true once you are no longer too young for velcro shoes. It might be a gag gift in its packaging, but no one wants old hag skin!
Right Or Racist Game
Find out everyone’s true colors with this hilarious drinking game. Is that a real fact, or are you just racist? It’s also a funny, subtle way to call yours over the hill friend racist, which seems to be a stereotype for older people.
You Know You’re 40 When…
This book has all the hilarious ways someone can tell that they’re 40. Some include “midnight seems awfully late” and “comb-overs are starting to make a certain kind of sense”.
Birthday Card For Him
If you don’t want to get him a funny gag gift, get him a funny over the hill gag birthday card! It says, “In whiskey years, you got more delicious” with a spot for a gift card (presumably to the liquor store).
Caution Tape
This would be funny on its own, as a party decoration, or to wrap up all their 40th birthday gifts with.
Over The Hill Kit
These over the hill kits are perfect 40th birthday gag gift ideas because they have everything someone needs as they age. This one has “Gray B Gone,” survival pills, spare parts, old age oil, dietary fiber, and anti-aging soap.
B-Day Away Age Repellant Spray
What is the longest river in Egypt? De-Nile! Yeah, denial is pretty much all this spray contains but it’s a fun gag gift for someone who doesn’t want to get any older.
The 40th Birthday Game
This funny party game is full of questions that are perfect for 40-year-olds. Learn something new, and see if 40 years has really made them wise.
You’re Only Old Once Book
Dr. Seuss is likely the author your over the hill friend grew up with, and now he can once again delight them in their old age. This book is for “obsolete children” because getting older doesn’t mean you have to grow up.
Funny Coffee Mug
He probably can’t take this one to work! This hilarious mug is a funny over the hill gag gift for a guy.
It doesn’t actually come with any real pills, but it is a funny novelty gag gift. It looks like viagra and you’re over the hill friend can wear it on their finger. You know, in case of an emergency.
Over The Hill Exercise Machine
This paddle toy is probably one of the hardest workouts they’ve done in decades.
Dirty Old Man Flask
At least it’s honest. Give this to the dirty old man in your life for his 40th birthday. Feel free to gift it with a bottle of something to put inside so it can be part joke, part real gift.
It’s a Hill Shirt
For someone who’s sick of all these stupid over the hill jokes. Oh wait, this is a joke too. Darn.
Coffin Gift Box
First, over the hill, next thing you know, they’re in a coffin. Sigh. This funny gift set has everything they need to have a memorable 40th over the hill birthday.
Memory Mints
Forget about being forgetful all the time when you have these hilarious mints! OK, so they don’t actually help you with your bad memory, but they sure are funny.
Emergency Underpants
Now, if you’re over the hill friend goes out in public and pees themselves, they will be all set with these emergency underpants! They may laugh until they pee when they open this gift!
Hopefully, they’ll be laughing all the way down the hill with these over the hill gag gifts. At the very least they’ll have a fun 40th birthday and hopefully not feel too old.