Hunting Gifts for Guys - Unique Gifter

Hunting Gifts for Guys

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Finding ideas for gifts for guys can be tricky! It’s often very helpful to focus on their favourite hobbies and activities. If you are lucky, some people are obsessed with certain things. Hunters can be known for being a tad obsessive! To turn their obsessions into gift ideas, look for consumable things, so that you know they will be put to use.  Alternatively, go for the big ticket items you know they have been craving for years and years. Here is a list of hunting gifts for guys (some of them will work for women, too, but one day I will write a post with hunting gifts for gals!):

Hunting Gifts for Guys & Gals

Scent Wafers stored with your gear or around your blind make the human BO less of a concern by masking our scent to not scare away wildlife. They come in a huge range of options from pine to white oak acorn to fresh earth to buck rut. Take your pick! I know that you can pick these up at Cabelas, too. They make for a great stocking stuffer.

The Butt Out Cleaning Tool is awesome, it makes things quick, clean and simple, when you have a deer or larger animal. They’re quite affordable, as well.

Duck decoysare needed by the dozen and for different species.

Scent-A-Way or Scent Killer make everything from deodorant to laundry detergent to soap, to keep the BO down and to ensure that your clothes do not have anything on them that is visible to the eye of the animal, but not to us.

For home-butchers, pick up a new Game Cleaning Knife Set.

Wipe Out Bore Cleaner is absolutely amazing. It removes copper fouling, tonnes of other residues and is dead simple to use.

You can get a Gun Cleaning Mat printed with a diagram of most major guns on it, which can be handy for cleaning and taking apart your firearms. Plus, it protects the surface that you are working on, which is the major upside.

Hard-core hunters and Duck Dynasty affecionados can never have enough Camo Clothing. You can get anything you can think of in a Mossy Oak or other camo pattern. I have a personal policy of camo never crossing from functional to fashionable, it’s only for being in the field! That said, I know that’s not the case for many, many people.

Wall Tent is the hunting equivalent of glamping. There’s heat, space for cots and you can stand up in them! Think of the image that jumps into your head when someone says “safari.” Not too shabby. Take a look at this list of pro camping tips to make your trip easier.

There are a ton more hunting gifts for guys ideas to be had, but these ones are a good cross selection and are all quite useful!

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