Candy Wine Glasses

Candy Wine Glasses

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Can we add the word delicious to the creative, unique and inspired list?  Perhaps also calorie-excessive, just to be safe.  I think this is the part where I admit to eating a lot of Nibs during this process.  They’re not in the photos?  Oh… for some reason they didn’t make the final candy cut.

Candy Wine Glasses

Short version: The stars have aligned (or misaligned, depending on your perspective) and my neighbours are gettin’ hitched in a nice big casual bash, on the other side of the country.  They are not going to register, we won’t make it to the wedding, blah blah blah, but I still wanted to get them something.  I know exactly how much space they have in their condo and what types of things they have and like.  I felt like my choices were to get a nice knife (pricey) or go a little more creative and go with option B: Plastic wine glasses for the hot tub.  There is a no-glass rule in our building.  Additionally, their toddler loves to “cheers” people, aggressively, so these are safe around him as well.

Plastic wine glasses you say – isn’t that pretty boring?  That’s when you go and fill them up with delicious candy.  This also works really, really well with glass wine glasses (or martini, or margarita, etc).  The candy shows through the sides and looks great, there is an example in this Wine Glass post.


Step 1: Find and purchase glasses, candy, wrap, card and any bottles you’d like to add.  Have fun with the candy colours and flavours.

Step 2: Wash out those glasses (or put the candy in saran wrap or plastic bags, but it won’t look quite as nice).

Step 3: Load them up with deliciousness.

Step 4: Wrap them in cello.  I did it two different ways with this batch, one uses more cellophane than the other. You can put a square flat over the top and tie it around the mouth, or down on the stem, which uses slightly less cello.  Alternatively, put the glass on cellophane far enough from the ends and sides that you can cover the whole top of the glass with cello.  Make sure you can do it from the other side, too.  Next, cut the cello and gather up the four corners, then start at the base and gather all together, tying above the glass.  These ones will look like the tall ones in the top photo.

Step 5:  Offer up an apology to mother earth for using so much cellophane.

Step 6: Write your card.  This is an important step.

Step 7: Place everything in a basket, serving bowl or bag.  I opted for a large bag, which was compliments of a shoe store.

Step 8: Deliver for smiles :)

Step 9: Tell your friend you expect her grand-kids to one day inherit these priceless wine glasses.


Total Cost to put together 2 types of candy, six glasses, a bottle of sparkling apple juice, a bottle of Cava (Spanish sparkling wine), a fancy card, plus wrapping was approximately ~$35 Canadian.  Obviously you can vary that a lot if you’re using real glassware and pricier wine.

I found there to be a very large price difference in sparkling juices between my local grocery stores.  For me, the Loblaws/Superstore/Extra Foods brand store had by far the best deal at $2.99 per bottle.

Do you like candy?  Would you consider doing this with some glassware gifts in the future?

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