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Engagement Gift Idea
We’re back, with another installment of engagement gift ideas for men and women! Back in Part I I mentioned giving a gift of thank you cards to the newly engaged couple. Well, low and behold, a few months later I discovered the perfect set of cards! Sent-Well makes absolutely gorgeous and extremely high quality cards. We are talking probably the highest quality cards I have laid my hands on and I have held some rather pricey cards in my day. (That is a completely normal thing to say, right?) Best of all? They make prepackaged sets of wedding party thank you cards! You can swoop in as the very thoughtful friend and give these as an engagement gift. You are both providing a gift, and helping the couple tick off one more thing from their to-do list as they get closer to the wedding.

These adorable kits come complete with the following:
12 Thank you cards with pre-stamped envelopes
1 Maid of Honor
4 Bridesmaids
1 Flower girl
1 Best Man
4 Groomsmen
1 Ring Bearer
Suggested sentiments packs are $24.00.
Don’t worry if your friends are going to have 14 wedding party members, either. You can have the number of cards adjusted as you see fit, or add in or swap for some other titles, including Jr. Bridesmaid, Jr. Groomsman, Officiant and Matron of Honour. For an extra bonus, there’s some suggested sentiments, to help your friends with writing the messages.
While Sent-Well makes these super cute kits, they are not just another card company. Their specialty? Sending handwritten cards for you, to add that lovely touch. You know how a three line message sent on paper is so much more touching than the same thing in an email? When was the last time you printed an email (which didn’t include directions and/or a map) and put it up on your fridge or a side table? Mmmhmm, didn’t think so.
Sent-well will keep your thoughts and sentiments touching your friends and family for a lot longer. You know how it can be very time consuming to find a card, fill it out, ensure you have the correct postage and then find a post box to put it in? Using Sent-Well’s services, you can get some of that personal-touch back when it’s really needed, but you find yourself in a far-off land with questionable postal delivery timelines and a recent tragedy or happy event that necessitates a card. I often find myself in Africa during the birth of a new relative. (Not really, I wish!)
There is a whole selection of cards available. I was lucky enough to get a peek at some of the Keepsake Cards, which include a tear off blank recipe card, to be added to your collection.
As an extra bonus, Sentwell has generously offered us all a coupon code, worth 15% off until September 30, 2013. Use UNIQUE13 at checkout.
When was the last time you sent a card in the mail?
Are you looking for more engagement gift ideas? Perhaps specifically engagement gifts for men?