20 Gift Ideas for a Medical Office Assistant (MOA) - Unique Gifter

20 Gift Ideas for a Medical Office Assistant (MOA)

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Medical office assistants keep the behind-the-scenes work running smoothly in a doctor’s office, and maintain the front office part of the facility going too. They work hard and sometimes don’t get the recognition for all that challenging work. So, if you know someone in this career and want to show them your appreciation, or simply show that you notice all they do, then the following gifts are a great place to start.

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Gift Ideas for a Medical Office Assistant (MOA)

“Office ninja” Coffee Mug

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As I said, they are making the behind-the-scenes work run more smoothly, and in that way, they are like an “office ninja!”

Anatomy Refrigerator Magnet Set

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While they may not want to bring their work home with them, they likely have a passion for medical things, and this will look nicely on their fridge at home, or even the fridge at work so that they can pin up important news or notices.

Personalized Coral Mouse Pad

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Help them have fun while they take care of the things on the computer, typing in the data for forms, files, and more, with this beautiful coral mouse pad, personalized with their initials.

Bamboo Tumbler with Tea Infuser & Strainer

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They need to stay energized and hydrated throughout their work day. What better way than a bamboo tumbler with tea infuser?

“Because patients” Wine Glass

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Their work sometimes makes them feel tired and irritable, and that is why they need this “because patients” wine glass for those nights when wine is necessary.

Paperclip Necklace

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Dealing with a lot of paper, they staple and paperclip it together on a regular basis. Now they can make a fashion statement with a paperclip necklace.

“The real boss” Coffee Mug

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Since they are running a lot of the finer parts of the business, sometimes they feel like “the real boss.” Show them that that hard work is recognized with this mug that says as much.

“Keep calm and call the office assistant” Retractable ID Badge Holder

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Often, they are the ones that everyone calls when things are going wrong. Their brand new retractable ID badge holder is a good way to remind themselves and others to stay calm, they can handle whatever problem arises.

Teal Floral Art Deco Clipboard

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With all of the paperwork that needs to be done, they certainly need their own unique clipboard!

Personalized Notepad

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Help them take more organized notes with a notebook that is personalized just for them.

Diamond Pen

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A diamond pen will make them feel so fancy! Pair it with the personalized notepad, or the clipboard, above and it will be their favorite gift!

Medical Staff Jewelry Necklace

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As a medical office assistant, they are medical staff royalty, and as such they need this medical staff necklace personalized with their birthstone.

Chocolate Computer Mouse

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With all of the time they spend on the computer, and how much they love chocolate, they will really enjoy savoring their chocolate computer mouse.

Personalized Sticky Note Holder

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They use sticky notes for everything, so personalize a sticky note holder for those sticky notes and make their day!

“Find joy in the journey” Wood Sign

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Remind them to “Find joy in the journey” with this wood sign they can hang up in the office, at home, or wherever they choose.

Days of the Week Funny Coffee Mug

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The week is long, but with their funny days of the week coffee mug, it may just pass by a little quicker.

“Her dreams, her triumphs, her story” Journal

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She has accomplished a lot to get where she is. Sometimes it may not feel like that for her, so remind her of all she has done with this journal.

Glitter Desk Name Plate

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Everyone loves glitter, right? Help them decorate their desk, and tell who people who they are, with a glitter name plate.

Black and Pearl White Crackle Thumbtacks

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These black and pearl white crackle thumbtacks will make hanging signs, notices, and other news up on the wall or a bulletin board.

“You did not wake up to be mediocre” Canvas

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Give them the gift of a daily reminder that they did not wake up to be mediocre. While their job may seem mediocre most days, they have one of the most important jobs to do.

The medical office assistant in your life will absolutely adore any one of these gifts, and they will realize that they aren’t as overlooked as they feel from time to time!

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