20 Gifts for the Sled Dog Enthusiast - Unique Gifter

20 Gifts for the Sled Dog Enthusiast

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Once you discover how awesome sled dogs are, the passion has a way of infiltrating and taking over your life.  No matter if they are an aspiring musher or a pro, this list has something that every sled dog enthusiast will love to get their mitts on.

Need a birthday gift idea for a musher? Take a look at this epic list of gifts for the sled dog enthusiast and consider your Christmas shopping done!


Gifts for the Sled Dog Enthusiast

Toughest Race on Earth: Iditarod DVD

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 The Iditarod is an annual long distance race that runs from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska.  This DVD showcases what it takes for dogs to train and persevere through the Iditarod alongside their handler.  It is a great introduction to dog mushing.

Spirit of the Wind:

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The Story of George Attla, Alaska’s Legendary Sled Dog Sprint Champ

Spirit of the Wind is an inspiring biography of George Attla, a legendary Alaskan musher.  He is known as one of the greatest champions in the sprint racing sled dog circuit of all time.

Sled Dog Pendant Charm

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A lovely gift for the dainty sled dog lover.  The sled dog pendant can be added onto a charm bracelet or attached to a silver chain for a unique necklace.

Dog Sled and Husky Cookie Cutter

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Combine the sled cookie cutter with the husky dog cutter to create the perfect edible sled dog team.

“My Other Car Is A Dog Sled”

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License Plate Frame

For proving to motorists just how serious they are about their sled dogs.

Sled Dog Photo Frame

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A beautiful photo frame to display their favourite dog photo.

Dog Camp Wall Mural

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Brighten up those bare walls in the house with a gorgeous wall mural of an arctic sled dog camp.

Musher Jigsaw Puzzle

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Combine two passions into one with this musher jigsaw for the puzzle enthusiast.

Snow Tails Game

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This racing game will provide great entertainment for the whole dog-loving family.

Dog Sledding Shower Curtain

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Make sure the sled dog passion slips into every crevice of the house with this gorgeous shower curtain.

Sled Dog Pillowcase

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To help fuel many restful nights of sled dog dreams.

Cool Dogs Passport Holder

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Get them prepared for travelling to the dog races with this cool passport holder.

Huskies Night Light

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Great to encourage the kids to get into sled dogs.

Iditarod Race Travel Mug

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Everyone needs a travel mug for hot drinks on the go.  Why not one featuring Iditarod racing dogs?

Alaska Sled Dog Knit Hat

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This gorgeous knit hat will keep heads warm in style.

Dog Sledding Embroidered Patch

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The bright patch will make a great addition to any jacket or backpack.

Dog Sledding Aluminium Sign

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This sign is great for putting out on the trails where the dogs are trained or a fun addition in a back garden.

“I Love Dog Sledding”

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Nail File

A compact gift that will keep nails looking fresh after dog chores.

Iditarod Decal Sticker

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A wonderful addition to any surface that needs a sticker.

“Keep Calm and Mush On”

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Baseball Cap

Baseball caps are always practical.  This one lets everyone know their true passion.

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Need a birthday gift idea for a musher? Take a look at this epic list of gifts for the sled dog enthusiast and consider your Christmas shopping done!
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Need a birthday gift idea for a musher? Take a look at this epic list of gifts for the sled dog enthusiast and consider your Christmas shopping done!
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