20 Gift Ideas for Your Cosplay Loving Girlfriend - Unique Gifter

20 Gift Ideas for Your Cosplay Loving Girlfriend

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You must have done something right to land a girlfriend who loves cosplay. Hopefully this opens up a whole new world of couple’s cosplays for you guys. Treat your cosplay loving girlfriend to a special gift for her birthday or anniversary, or just for fun before a con!

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Gift Ideas for Your Cosplay Loving Girlfriend

School Uniform Cosplay

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This is one of the most common costumes in anime since most of the characters are students. It’s something they could adapt and reuse for multiple characters that doesn’t really go out of style.

Hair Dryer

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Great for real life hair drying and a very useful tool for styling wigs.

Hair Spray

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When styling anime hair it’s often very difficult to get it to hold in those unnatural ways. A good quality hair spray or spray in glue can make the process a little easier (and hopefully will hold for longer).

Cat Ears

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There’s nothing cuter than a set of cat ears – and they’re an important part of a lot of different costumes. Or she can just wear them around for fun.

Cosplay Basics Book

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Maybe she’s still a bit new to the cosplay world. A book like this is a great way to get started and learn the basics before going all in.

Garter Wallet

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Rather than carrying around a purse or something that takes away from her costume something like would be a lot easier. Cash, cards, and other important things can be kept securely against her thigh so it will work with any costume and keep everything safe from theft.

Paw Gloves

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She can cosplay whenever the weather turns cool with these adorable paw gloves.

1000 Cosplay Ideas

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A huge resource for costume and cosplay ideas for someone who’s undecided. There’s some great inspiration in these pictures for sure.

Fabric Steamer

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This is an often overlooked tool for getting wrinkles out and softening fabrics you otherwise can’t wash or iron. Fabric steamers have been a staple of the performing arts for years but most cosplayers don’t consider the importance of having one.

Make Up

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Make up is a huge park of making a cosplay come together perfectly and your girlfriend will probably need of it. Get a decent variety pack so whatever she needs is already there.

Business Cards

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It’s so annoying to have to sit there at a busy convention and write out someone’s phone number or twitter handle. Business cards are quick to hand out and you can be sure they’re getting the accurate information. This is especially great if your girlfriend has a blog, youtube, or Facebook page for her cosplay.

False Eyelashes

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The real secret to getting anime eyes is that they’re not real. Fake eyelashes are the next best thing to being drawn.

Wig Conditioner

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If your girlfriend uses wigs in her cosplay it’s not a if, it’s a when, for getting tangled. A good quality leave-in wig conditioner can save her a lot of sanity and time.


Wait, what?

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Most conventions actually include a rave or some kind of dance with low lighting. Glowsticks are a must!

Superhero Gauntlets

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If your girlfriend likes to cosplay as a superhero she’s probably already found that gloves are difficult to make yourself and hard to find to be accurate. Get her a pair that can be used for a few different costumes.


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A corset or bustier actually makes up a surprising number of costumes. It can be worn under something else or on its own depending on the style she’s going for.

I Love My Hubby Shirt

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If you’re a little more reluctant to support her cosplay love this one would make a great gift. It actually reads “I love it when my hubby lets me cosplay”.

Leg Wallet

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If someone is a cosplayer they probably have suffered in the past with not having anywhere to store their belongings in costume. This handy item lets them strap their wallet, keys, or whatever safely to their leg. Great in crowds too!

Handheld Fan

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Cosplay can get hot especially if costumes are held in the summer. You’re inside a crowded building all day in fabric that doesn’t breathe well. A little handheld fan is a great way to take the edge off indoors.

Professional Fangirl Sweater

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For when she’s not cosplaying but still wants to tell the world exactly what she’s thinking about right now. (Spoilers: it’s her fandom)

Your cosplay loving girlfriend is definitely a keeper so get shopping to show her how much you appreciate that. And, if you haven’t already, get yourself involved in her hobby too!

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