Into Wine - A Gift of Knowledge and Laughs - Unique Gifter

Into Wine – A Gift of Knowledge and Laughs

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It should come as no surprise to those who read this frequently that I consider myself “Into Wine.”  I have written about wine as a gift a lot.  Examples can be found here, here and here.  Those are just three, I’ve probably mentioned wine in 25 or more posts!  So, when Olivier Magny sent me an email about a book called “Into Wine: An Invitation to Pleasure” you can bet that I was all over it!

Into Wine - A Gift of Knowledge and Laughs

Olivier graciously sent me a copy of this book, I’m sure just so he could imagine me laughing enough that my sides hurt and I risked spilling my wine.  I am not kidding.  Read the text in that picture and you’ll get a taste of what I mean!  Here are a few more reasons you should run out (click out?) and get your very own copy:

Be a terroirist!  – this is a chapter title

China is the fifth largest wine producer in the world.

“To the general French public, working in marketing will place you right out there, between politicians, drug dealers and child molesters.”

“What matters really is how they work, not how big they are. [204]  204 – That was not intentional – the second sex joke is definitely on you.”

“Indeed, this book is going downhill: starts with quotes of Albert Einstein and now we’re at Rush Hour 2…”

There is probably a line every two pages that will have you strongly considering laughing, out loud.  Inspired by his clear sense of humour, I set out to ask Olivier a few questions….


You care a lot about the whole farming process, what led to that interest and exploring of the topic?

Well, I love wine;  and I hate the wine jargon. So to navigate through all the BS in wine, my mission was to gain a better understanding of how wine is made. And that starts with how you grow these grapes. What I explain in the book is that the way you farm your vineyard is absolutely essential – it is the key to both the quality and the uniqueness of the wines we drink.

What was the last glass of wine you had?

Hmm… last night it was a Chinon by Philippe Alliet. One of these really awesome value wines – 100% Cabernet Franc from the  Loire Valley. Less than 20$ and a total killer! In the book, I recommend many great value wineries throughout the world. It’s a book that pays for itself many times over!!

Which wines would you match up with the following descriptions or names?

Star Wars Gamer – You want something masculine with a bit of funk – so maybe a low sulfite Grenache wine!
Wayne Gretzky – It’d have to be an ice wine from Canada. Splendid, rich, and legendary!
Sexy Librarian – Wow… love this game! Hmm.. make it a Crozes-Hermitage from the Rhone Valley. Wine that can be both proper and sensual at the same time!
Maria Sharapova – Make it a Californian chardonnay: sunny and serious at the same time!
Jada Pinkett Smith – I see a Tawny port, aged to perfection!
Surfer Chick – Maybe a Côte de Gascogne which is a crisp and fruity white from South West France. Incredible value for money, and coming from the region which is France’s surfing heaven!
Fire Station Dalmatian Argentinian Malbec: your daily, reliable best buddy! 


Anything else you would like to mention?

I look forward to meeting your readers when they come to Paris at my lovely wine bar called O Chateau, and if not, online on my blog

INTO WINE - Wine Book by Olivier Magny

And now for a few more words from me (Anne)!  My spouse also read it and we both found that it could be a bit choppy due to the substantial use of footnotes, however that does contribute to a very fun writing style.  That would be my only detracting comment.  While I have highlighted the delightful sense of humour in the book, it is actually very informative and explains all sorts of things like farming methods, deciphering the various labels like VQA in Canada and AOC in France, how natural yeasts work, the effects of oak and how to control fermentation, the cultures of wine drinking around the world and more.  The book is a quick, fun read that will teach you things but not overwhelm you like  a textbook.

In short, pick up a copy for yourself or as part of a wine gift idea ;-)  If you follow me on twitter, you probably read a play by play of how much I enjoyed reading it!

The book even has its own trailer, that’s how awesome it is!

[embedplusvideo height=”327″ width=”400″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=5gaVN6ypHlI&width=400&height=327&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2234″ /]


It’s available on Amazon, by clicking here.

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