3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him - Unique Gifter

3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him

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There’s something about shopping for gifts for men;  it just isn’t easy. Both the UK and North America list leather as the traditional third anniversary gift, which is quite convenient for us when sharing 3rd leather anniversary gifts for him. Thankfully, rich, deep leather is very often associated with men.  Think of smoking rooms, libraries and clubhouses, adorned with leather chairs and accessories. Of course, that is a stereotype that doesn’t fit everyone!

3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him | 3rd Anniversary Gift Ideas for Him | Leather Gift Ideas for Him | What to buy for your 3rd Wedding Anniversary for Him | Modern Leather Gift Ideas for Anniversary | What to buy for 3rd Leather Wedding Anniversary | Anniversary Presents for Him | #Anniversary #LeatherGifts #3rdAnniversary

How to shop for 3rd leather anniversary gifts for him:bra

That said, not all of us have a dedicated old-world library in our homes, so we need a few more ideas that will really work for us.  Read on for a selection of 99 leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him! Browse the whole list to see if there’s something that will work for a third anniversary gift for your husband, there’s lots of inspiration.

(PS: If you would like creative paper anniversary gift ideas or cotton anniversary gift ideas, we have those as well.)

Photo Frame

Leather photo frame anniversary gift idea for him

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Desktop accessories, anyone?  Pick up a leather frame to display a picture on his desk.  You could even throw in a couple’s photo session, or pick one of your favourite wedding pictures to add to his collection.

New Car – with a leather interior!

3rd Anniversary Leather Gifts A New Car with Leather Interior

CLEARLY this is not for everyone’s budget, in fact for very few people’s, but it still needed to go on the list. It is one of the ultimate gifts.  If you can swing it, it would be fun to give a car as an anniversary present, that’s for sure.

Editor’s Choice Best 3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him

Engraved Leather Whiskey Glass

Engraved whiskey glass for him 3rd leather anniversary gift

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Every man needs a good whiskey glass. If he hasn’t got one already, use this 3rd leather anniversary gift to set him up with a personally engraved leather whiskey glass.

Luggage Tags

leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him luggage tags

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Aren’t they gorgeous?  Plus, everyone hates filling out those little removable ones at the airport every time (just me?  I doubt it!).  You can also find some delightful monogrammed ones on Etsy.

Leather Tie

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A leather tie reminds me of rock bands and clubbing in Mexico.  They aren’t for everyone, but a crisp white shirt with a leather tie can be a fun outfit.


Give your husband leather luggage for your third wedding anniversary

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Gorgeous leather luggage is available for a variety of price points and in a multitude of sizes.  Get your fellow a gorgeous, perfectly-sized carry on bag for your third anniversary, or even a whole new set of luggage.

Editor’s Choice 3rd Leather Anniversary Gift for Him

Leather Travel Bar Set

Leather personal travel bar set 3rd leather anniversary for him

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Whether it’s for the golf course, or the hunting trip this rugged leather travel bar set will become his new favorite! It comes equipped with all of the tools he’ll need to kick off his 3rd leather anniversary right!

Messenger Bag

3rd marriage anniversary traditional leather gift idea - leather bag

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There are many stunning messenger bags made out of leather.  I struggled to pick just one to feature.  Messenger bags are fantastic for commuters and guys who spend a lot of time going back and forth between meeting locations or work sites.

Laptop Bag

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That problem that I had picking just one messenger bag?  Same problem with laptop bags.  Super practical for many, very long lasting, and oh so many options and styles to pick from.

Toiletry Bag

toiletry bags make great leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Travel kits wear out over time, so even if your spouse has one, an upgrade and replacement can be a good choice.


Top leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him include leather wallets

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Wallets also wear out, pick up a new one.  You can even get monogrammed wallets for reasonable prices online.


watches are trendy leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Leather straps breath and look classy.  Watches also come in a huge variety of price points and styles.

Bar Stools

Cool leather bar stools gift idea for husband on 3rd anniversary

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Step up the bar game with some leather bar stools.


leather couch 3rd wedding anniversary gift for him

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A leather chesterfield would make a fantastic anniversary gift, and as a bonus, both of you can use it!

Shoe Polish Kit

Shoe polish kits as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Polish some leather… from a leather-cased shoe polish kit.

Guitar Case

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There are gorgeous leather and leather-trimmed guitar cases out there.

Guitar Strap

Traditional leather wedding anniversary gift idea - guitar strap

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Pick up a nice new leather guitar strap.

Camera Strap

camera straps are cool leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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If guitar straps aren’t your man’s thing, pick up a leather camera strap instead.

Camera Case

Thoughtful 3rd anniversary leather gift idea for him - camera case

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Isn’t that a gorgeous camera bag?  I think so!


Leather belt gift idea for leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Black, brown, tan, thick, thin, dressy or casual.  Pick up a belt to add to his wardrobe.


Your husband will love this cool leather jacket gift idea for your 3rd anniversary

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Leather jackets for hipsters. Leather jackets for bikers. Leather jackets for rockers.  Leather jackets for anniversaries!


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You seriously thought I could put together a list of leather gifts and skip leather pants?  Of course not!  I dare you to take a look at the Korean Fashion Sexy Leather Pants.


Leather fashion gift for leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Leather soled, leather uppers, gorgeous leather shoes!


Cool leather glove gift idea for your husband, great traditional 3rd Janissary gift idea!

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Driving gloves, working gloves, golf gloves, baseball gloves, there are a lot of leather gloves in the world.

Editor’s Choice 3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him

Custom Poker Set in Leather Case

Leather bound poker set personalized 3rd leather anniversary gift for him

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Poker sets get a bad rap, mostly because they’re usually cheaply made. This is a functional and personalized 3rd leather anniversary gift for him that will get a lot of use!

Ski Gloves

Leather ski gloves as practical leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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There are also ski gloves.  I keep meaning to get myself a nice pair of leather ski gloves, like my spouse already has.

Ski Poles with Leather Straps

Leather strapped ski poles as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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They can be hard to find online if you don’t know the exact make, but leather makes an awesome ski pole strap that doesn’t stay saturated or block moisture wicking from your gloves.


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Wouldn’t a guy wearing that look hunky?  Oh yeah.


Give your husband a nice leather journal for your 3rd wedding anniversary gift

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Wine journal, anyone?  Perhaps a fishing journal? Moleskins are classics.

Passport Cover

Passport covers are practical leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Class it up on international travels with a leather passport cover.  These days you can get passport covers with RFID blockers in them, so that random passersby cannot scan information off of your passport.

Bota Bag Wine Bladder

Drinking container as a unique leather traditional gift idea for 3rd anniversary

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I remember using these for water on hikes as kids… and the adults always had an extra one.

Cooling Cattle Hat

leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
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Double up the wine with this cooler that’s insulated and portable.

Leather Scented Candle

Romantic 3rd anniversary gift idea - leather scented candle

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Why yes, you can buy leather scented candles!

Renaissance Art Stuff

Renaissance Art Leather Laptop Cases - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

The folks at Renaissance Art make stunning leather products, and dozens and dozens of them.  We own some and they are wonderful.  I highly recommend their stuff. My wedding albums came from them, for example.

Photo Album

Unique leather 3rd anniversary gift idea - leather wedding album

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I got wedding albums from Renaissance Art, but there are a whole bunch of gorgeous albums available and you can use them for all sorts of things.  Did you make an album with your honeymoon pictures yet?


Leather gaming set perfect for your husband's 3rd anniversary gift idea

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Classic game.  Classic leather.


Traditional 3rd anniversary gifts for him - leather coasters

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Yes, leather coasters.  Perfect for a man cave, or to save your latest woodworking project from early destruction.

Desk Pad

Leather trivet makes a great traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea for your husband

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A desk topper that provides nearly unlimited mousepad space, plus protection for the desk.


Men will love this 3rd anniversary traditional leather gift of blundstones

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Blundstones are rather trendy right now, and oh so practical a choice in footwear.

Doc Martens

Doc Martins classic leather gift idea for 3rd anniversary

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Doc Martens.  Classic leather boots that can be dressed up and dressed down.  Love’em.

Sunglass Case

Sunglass cases as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Protect your shades when they aren’t on your head with this classically styled leather sunglasses case.

Travel Mixology Kit

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Does your husband need to make cocktails on the go? No? Does he still want one of these kits? Perhaps yes.

Ice Bucket

Leather ice bucket perfect entertaining gift for 3rd anniversary

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Get a leather-accented ice bucket as a gift and top it off with some sparkling wine, or a bottle of your favourite cocktail spirit.

Key Chain

Leather keychain gift idea for him - traditional 3rd wedding gift idea

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Is your husband still rocking a free key chain from somewhere?  Get him a monogrammed leather one, instead.

Phone Case

Men love this traditional 3rd anniversary gift idea

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There are a ton of cases on the market to protect phones or to add usefulness.  Pick out a leather one to fit his phone.

Coin Tray

Traditional leather gift idea coin tray, perfect for 3rd anniversary

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Upgrade your empty pickle jar that collects coins to a leather coin tray.  If you’re sneaky, you could buy the coin tray using the coins in your current coin jar.  Tricky?  Yup.  But also affordable!

Leather Bound Book

leather 3rd anniversary gifts for men - leather bound book

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One of the best gifts I ever received from my spouse, for our first paper anniversary, was a leather bound book from the 1700s.

You could opt for a collector’s edition of a newer book, of course, or perhaps a bible.

Watch Box

3rd anniversary gift idea for men - leather watch box

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Does your fellow already have a collection of watches?  Are they like my watches and live in the corner of a night stand drawer?  Give them a new home with a stylish leather watch case.


Leather pouch gift idea - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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A nice go-to portfolio for work, with pockets or without, or a big leather portfolio envelope for an artist.  Practical and pretty.


Fashion necklace traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea

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Wings, rustic metal rings, crosses, braided leather, take your pick.

Horse Riding Equipment

leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Cowboys are made of leather, aren’t they?  Most horse riding accessories are, at least.

Cowboy Boots

Cowboy boots as traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift ideas for men

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Everyone who lives in Alberta needs at least one pair of cowboy boots for Stampede time!

I hear that lots of people wear them for other reasons, too.

Leather Cowboy Hat

Cowboy hat leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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These hats remind me of the Australian outback, they’re high quality and good for keeping sun and rain off of your head.

Leatherman Multitool

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It’s all in the name! Leatherman makes a ton of different multi-tools, so find one that fits the lifestyle of your spouse.

Picnic Basket

Leather picnic basket gift idea for him - perfect for 3rd anniversary!

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Get a picnic basket with leather accents, fill it up and take him on a date!


Leather cufflinks - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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These neat cufflinks use leather cords.  You can also get small squares of leather and several other designs.


Leather flask personalised traditional 3rd anniversary gift idea for him

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Scotch to go anyone?  Leather flasks often also offer monogramming options.


Stylish leather apron gift idea for men, perfect for 3rd wedding anniversary

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Leather is a great protector, be it from barbecuing, or in the shop.

Tool Belt

Tool belt traditional leather 3rd anniversary gift for men

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Do you have a handyman? Get a new leather toolbelt, and consider topping it up with some of these gift ideas for woodworkers.


Leather bow tie third wedding anniversary gift idea

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Yes.  You can get leather bowties!

Magazine Holder (Type A or Type B!)

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There’s the ammo type and the reading type.  Take your pick!

Shave Set

Shave set- leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Ready for a throw back?  Get a classic shave kit!

Manicure Set

Nail care set perfect idea for leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Everyone’s got nails that grow.  Get a nail care set that’s better than the clippers in the bin next to the gas station cash register.

Desktop Valet

leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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A whatnow?  A desktop valet is a tray with divided sections, to hold his odds and ends.

Cigar Case

Your husband will love a humidor as a leather 3rd anniversary gift for him

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Cigars are celebratory!  Get a leather cigar case, complete with cutter.  Maybe even throw in a cigar.

Knife Case

Cool knife case traditional leather 3rd wedding anniversary gift for him

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Already have a leatherman?  Does it need a new case?


leather baseball perfect sporty leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Play ball!  Pick up a baseball.  You could opt for a regular ball and maybe even add game tickets.  Alternatively, source out a collectors item, or an autographed baseball.


Leather sandals traditional leather gift idea for men for 3rd anniversary

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From Birkenstocks to slip on flip flops, there are a ton of choices in the leather sandal department.  They are perfect if you are planning to take a trip for your anniversary.

Charging Station

Unique leather charging station for a techie leather 3rd anniversary gift

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Doesn’t that charging station look awesome?  It will charge all of his toys, in one convenient location.  No laying the tablet down on it’s side, taking up tons of space!

Sword with Leather Sheath

Leather sword sheath perfect 3rd anniversary gift idea for your very cool husband

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Is your husband into medieval lore, martial arts or sword collecting in general?  Find a leather sheathed sword as an anniversary gift.

Pool Table

Surprise your husband with a pool table as a traditional inspired 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea

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The pockets are leather, which makes a pool table totally count!  You will win some mad points if you can afford to spring for a pool table!

Leather Cleaner

Leather cleaner practical leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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With all of these leather ideas, it’s going to need cleaning at some point in time!


Leather slippers make cozy leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Comfy and durable :-)Suspenders/Braces

Leather braces for your husband will make him look cool on your 3rd anniversary

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I am told that the leather on braces should match the leather on the shoes you are wearing, as a little tip.

Wine Carrier

Leather wine carrier for a traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea

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Want a step up from a paper bag for your wine bottles?  Get a leather wine carrier case.  These are perfect for heading to the park for a picnic.

Mate Set

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Mate is more of a ritual than a tea in several countries in South America.  The leaves are added to a special mug/cup that is frequently leather, with a built in metal straw, and people carry thermoses, often leather, full of hot water to make mate all day long.

Travel Coffee Mug

Travel mug - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Camo leather, or regular leather, leather is nice to hold on to and acts as an insulator for your hand. There’s a variety of custom designs like fish, moose and more, or plain leather for a classic touch for an everyday handy object.

Office Chair

Leather chair great idea for traditional leather 3rd anniversary gift

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Get a great new home office chair, with levers all over.

Poker Set

Best traditional leather 3rd anniversary gift idea for men - poker set

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A leather cased, high quality poker set is a must-have for the card player in your life.

Poker Table

Men love poker tables as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Know what’s better than a poker set?  A poker table!  Frequently these game tables support multiple different games.


Leather spurs as a unique 3rd anniversary gift idea for him

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Back to cowboys again!

Eyeglass Storage Box

Practical eyeglass storage box for traditional leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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AVrs, fishing sunglasses, biking shades, work shades… store his glasses collection in an eyeglass storage box.

Leatherworking Tools

leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Why not encourage him to develop a new hobby and get into leather tooling?

Checkbook Cover

Stylish leather checkbook cover - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Sometimes you still need to use cheques.  Pick up a chequebook cover that’s leather, so that they stay crisp and clean and look debonaire when you go to use them.

Dog Collar and Leash

Leather dog collar 3rd anniversary gift idea for pet lovers

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Give him a gift that is also for man’s best friend.


Leather shoes 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Espadrilles are a style of shoe from the Pyranees, that have a woven sole.  They were originally made with a particular type of grass.

Gun Bench Bags

Gun bench bag as a modern 3rd anniverary gift idea

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These are very versatile and used for target practice and zeroing.


Unique 3rd anniversary present idea gun holster

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Wyatt?  Where are you?


Nice headboard 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea for your husband

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Dimpled leather headboards have a masculine vibe and are very trendy.

Quiver (for archery)

Archery quiver special 3rd leather anniversary gift idea for him

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You can get throwback quivers that add style to your target practice.

Leather Handled Umbrella

Leather umbrella thoughtful 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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There’s lots of styles to choose from and umbrellas are very practical.  Plus, you can never have too many.

Rifle Sling

Leather rifle sling perfect gift for your husband on your 3rd anniversary!

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A leather rifle sling is a classic hunting accessory. Why is this guy quasi falling over? Unknown. Presumably he’s demonstrating “anti-slip” technology, but really he looks like a failed figure skater.

Bible Cover

Leather book cover unique gift for men for 3rd anniversary

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Golf Glove

Your husband will love golf gloves as a 3rd anniversary gift

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Most aren’t actually leather these days, but in theory they count.


Leather watch elegant gift idea for your husband on your 3rd wedding anniversary

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This stylish traveling clock is great for sitting on a desk, using during exams or taking with you on a trip.

Wine Bottle Box

Wine bottle holder 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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With a collector’s bottle inside, or one that has meaning to you!

Cufflink Box

Stylish 3rd anniversary gifts for men - cuff link box

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We’re basically suggesting that you box every thing he owns up in a nice display case.  Cufflinks are another thing that can fit in a box!

Imperial Leather

Modern twist gift idea for 3rd leather anniversary - leather soap

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Imperial Leather soap!  This is perfect for the budget-conscious, or if you have already picked out a great gift but still want to tie in the leather anniversary gift theme.


Practical 3rd anniversary gifts for him - leather envelope

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Leather envelopes are a fantastic way to store an artist portfolio, or carry documents.

Accent Pillow

Accent pillow - 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Throw a pillow onto that couch you bought him.

Leatherheads Bluray

Leather heads bluray - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him

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Here’s another fun choice that plays on the words leather.  An anniversary gift for the football fan!

As your third-anniversary approaches, you may be searching for a great gift for your husband. For the leather anniversary, there are a surprisingly large amount of gift ideas to choose from! Start below with the list and see what you find! If you need more leather ideas, we have those too! Make this anniversary something to remember with gifts that will make him feel like one loved husband. 

Special Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him

Show how much you care for him with these unique leather gifts for your anniversary. 

Colored Personalized Leather Keychain

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This personalized leather keychain comes in multiple colors, which means that you might even be able to choose his favorite color!

Personalized Leather Wallet

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A personalized leather wallet is always a great gift choice.

Leather Toiletry Bag with Monogram

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If he, or both of you, travel quite a bit, then he definitely needs a leather toiletry bag with a monogram of his name or initials. Toiletry bags make a great anniversary gift, for whatever year. . Toiletry bags make a great anniversary gift, for whatever year. .

Men’s Leather Rope Bracelet with Steel Magnetic Lock

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A simple men’s leather rope bracelet, that is easy to put on with a magnetic lock, will look great on his wrist.

Leather Pocket Notebook Cover

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If he has a beloved notebook or does a lot of writing, this leather pocket notebook cover will certainly come in handy.

Brown Leather Luggage Tag Personalized with Color Corner and Initials

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With your choice of colors in the corner of the brown leather luggage tag, and personalized with his initials, he will be all set for travel anytime.

Custom Men’s Leather Belt

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A custom leather belt will help him keep his pants where they should be and in style too!

Leather Passport Wallet

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Again with the traveling, this leather passport wallet will come in handy if you two go places where you need a passport… and would also be a great way to announce a trip out of the country too!

Premium Leather Vintage-Style Brass Lighter

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These premium leather vintage-style brass lighters come in three different styles, how amazing is that?

Leather Camera Strap

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If he loves taking pictures, he needs a leather camera strap that comes in many different colors.

“You + Me = Awesome” Personalized Leather Coasters

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The two of you together is always something awesome. These leather coasters are great to look at and very functional as well.

Engraved Leather Hip Flask

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Engrave this leather hip flask with a special word or his name and he will be set!

Leather Earbud Holder

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For the music lover, a leather earbud holder will keep his cords from getting tangled or broken as easily.

Leather Anchor Bracelet for Men

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You are his anchor, and he is yours. This leather anchor bracelet is the perfect way to remind him.

Leather Belt Glove Keeper

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If he does work where he needs to have gloves, this leather belt glove keeper will help him to not lose them on the job.

Brown Leather Lanyard

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Another great job-related gift is this brown leather lanyard for his ID or whatever else he may need at work.

Personalized Leather Keychain Fob

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Another keychain fob, but with a different style. He will love that it has his own name on it.

Leather Cord Organizer

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Help him keep his cords organized with a leather cord organizer.

Personalized Coordinates Leather Bracelet

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Where did you two meet? Put the coordinates on this leather bracelet and that place will be etched in both your minds.

Men’s Leather Antler Diffuser Necklace

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A manly way to diffuse his essential oils and keep him feeling the best he can feel!
3rd leather anniversary gifts for him will bring a smile to his face and remind him why he married you! Leather gifts can be fun, as this list demonstrates! Which one do you feel your guy will love for your anniversary?

What other suggestions do you have for leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him?

3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him | 3rd Anniversary Gift Ideas for Him | Leather Gift Ideas for Him | What to buy for your 3rd Wedding Anniversary for Him | Modern Leather Gift Ideas for Anniversary | What to buy for 3rd Leather Wedding Anniversary | Anniversary Presents for Him | #Anniversary #LeatherGifts #3rdAnniversary 3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him | 3rd Anniversary Gift Ideas for Him | Leather Gift Ideas for Him | What to buy for your 3rd Wedding Anniversary for Him | Modern Leather Gift Ideas for Anniversary | What to buy for 3rd Leather Wedding Anniversary | Anniversary Presents for Him | #Anniversary #LeatherGifts #3rdAnniversary


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3rd Leather Anniversary Gifts for Him | 3rd Anniversary Gift Ideas for Him | Leather Gift Ideas for Him | What to buy for your 3rd Wedding Anniversary for Him | Modern Leather Gift Ideas for Anniversary | What to buy for 3rd Leather Wedding Anniversary | Anniversary Presents for Him | #Anniversary #LeatherGifts #3rdAnniversary
Leather photo frame anniversary gift idea for him
3rd Anniversary Leather Gifts A New Car with Leather Interior
Engraved whiskey glass for him 3rd leather anniversary gift
leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him luggage tags
Give your husband leather luggage for your third wedding anniversary
Leather personal travel bar set 3rd leather anniversary for him
3rd marriage anniversary traditional leather gift idea - leather bag
toiletry bags make great leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Top leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him include leather wallets
watches are trendy leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Cool leather bar stools gift idea for husband on 3rd anniversary
leather couch 3rd wedding anniversary gift for him
Shoe polish kits as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Traditional leather wedding anniversary gift idea - guitar strap
camera straps are cool leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Thoughtful 3rd anniversary leather gift idea for him - camera case
Leather belt gift idea for leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Your husband will love this cool leather jacket gift idea for your 3rd anniversary
Leather fashion gift for leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Cool leather glove gift idea for your husband, great traditional 3rd Janissary gift idea!
Leather bound poker set personalized 3rd leather anniversary gift for him
Leather ski gloves as practical leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather strapped ski poles as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Give your husband a nice leather journal for your 3rd wedding anniversary gift
Passport covers are practical leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Drinking container as a unique leather traditional gift idea for 3rd anniversary
leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Romantic 3rd anniversary gift idea - leather scented candle
Renaissance Art Leather Laptop Cases - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Unique leather 3rd anniversary gift idea - leather wedding album
Leather gaming set perfect for your husband's 3rd anniversary gift idea
Traditional 3rd anniversary gifts for him - leather coasters
Leather trivet makes a great traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea for your husband
Men will love this 3rd anniversary traditional leather gift of blundstones
Doc Martins classic leather gift idea for 3rd anniversary
Sunglass cases as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather ice bucket perfect entertaining gift for 3rd anniversary
Leather keychain gift idea for him - traditional 3rd wedding gift idea
Men love this traditional 3rd anniversary gift idea
Traditional leather gift idea coin tray, perfect for 3rd anniversary
leather 3rd anniversary gifts for men - leather bound book
3rd anniversary gift idea for men - leather watch box
Leather pouch gift idea - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Fashion necklace traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea
leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Cowboy boots as traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift ideas for men
Cowboy hat leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather picnic basket gift idea for him - perfect for 3rd anniversary!
Leather cufflinks - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather flask personalised traditional 3rd anniversary gift idea for him
Stylish leather apron gift idea for men, perfect for 3rd wedding anniversary
Tool belt traditional leather 3rd anniversary gift for men
Leather bow tie third wedding anniversary gift idea
Shave set- leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Nail care set perfect idea for leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Your husband will love a humidor as a leather 3rd anniversary gift for him
Cool knife case traditional leather 3rd wedding anniversary gift for him
leather baseball perfect sporty leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Unique leather charging station for a techie leather 3rd anniversary gift
Leather sword sheath perfect 3rd anniversary gift idea for your very cool husband
Surprise your husband with a pool table as a traditional inspired 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea
Leather cleaner practical leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather slippers make cozy leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather braces for your husband will make him look cool on your 3rd anniversary
Leather wine carrier for a traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea
Travel mug - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather chair great idea for traditional leather 3rd anniversary gift
Best traditional leather 3rd anniversary gift idea for men - poker set
Men love poker tables as leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather spurs as a unique 3rd anniversary gift idea for him
Practical eyeglass storage box for traditional leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Stylish leather checkbook cover - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather dog collar 3rd anniversary gift idea for pet lovers
Leather shoes 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Gun bench bag as a modern 3rd anniverary gift idea
Unique 3rd anniversary present idea gun holster
Nice headboard 3rd wedding anniversary gift idea for your husband
Archery quiver special 3rd leather anniversary gift idea for him
Leather umbrella thoughtful 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather rifle sling perfect gift for your husband on your 3rd anniversary!
Leather book cover unique gift for men for 3rd anniversary
Your husband will love golf gloves as a 3rd anniversary gift
Leather watch elegant gift idea for your husband on your 3rd wedding anniversary
Wine bottle holder 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Stylish 3rd anniversary gifts for men - cuff link box
Modern twist gift idea for 3rd leather anniversary - leather soap
Practical 3rd anniversary gifts for him - leather envelope
Accent pillow - 3rd anniversary gifts for him
Leather heads bluray - leather 3rd anniversary gifts for him
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